How do I register for this event?To register, visit:
seacoast.brushfire.com/sheleads What is the cost of the conference?
Early bird (by May 16) $129, regular (after May 17) $149, Livestream $39
Is this conference online or in-person?
The conference will be held in person, and will also be livestreamed if you cannot attend in person. More details coming soon.
When does the summit take place?
The summit will be on October 18, 2021, beginning at 9:00 am and ending at 4:45 pm.
How long are the sessions?
45-60 minutes each.
Will the conference be available for replay?
It will be available for purchase after the event.
Can I get college credits for attending this event?
As an added bonus for those of you who are interested, by attending the Summit and reading a few books, you will get 3 credits toward your Masters degree at Southeastern University!